Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday's Suck

     I hate mondays. they just mean i have to fix anyproblems that people had over the weekend. First up was SideBar. Before i left on sunday i was trying to get the hum from a cable box to go the way of the dodo bird. When i was trouble shooting i forgot to reassign one of the inputs on the matrix mixer.

Moral of the story is do not try to trouble shoot a problem at 5am after drinking. still don't know what caused the hum but its gone now.

I also hate mondays because the mean meetings.Todays was Southern Hospitality up on 76th and 2nd. Nice place but poorly designed from a A/V point of view. The LCD's are poorly located and who ever installed them set the TV's to 4:8 in widescreen mode. talk about the tv adding ten pounds.  it isn't a big intstall. only 3 or 4 32"s but they want a matrix switcher and all the cable boxes aren't centraly located so we have to pull a bunch of coax.
Most are here.

Then there are 2 back here.

I love fixing the poor designs of people.
here are some more pic of the place.

So tomorrow i have to look at another place in the 30's and hopefully i can get the guys started on the job at aspen 2 on 47th.

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