Thursday, July 31, 2008

Another Day More Running Around

    I get a call last night saying that one of the Danley SH-100b's is blown. Which is imposible. i have limiters set pretty conservitively and it would take a long time of the amp being in clip for that to happen. the amps can't clip because of the above mentioned limiters. i tell the client that i would stop by durring the day to check it out. on to the days festivities.

Aspen 2
   we are finally able to pull the calble for the chauvet colorstrips. was a easy job done in less than an hour. i have no idea how they get materials to the job site the trafic is always like this.

 They still have a long ways to go

but the GC say's the there going to start flying. no worries on my end just installing the colorstrips.

Get the car out the garage and head down the street to Hudson Terrace.

turn the system on, crank the volume up and guess what no blow speakers. knowing how to set you limiters will save you and your client money and time. there is no reason in this day and age with digital processors you should ever have a blown speaker. if you do you have not set the processor correctly and need to learn how to. there is a great excel spreadsheet on EAW's website that helps with determining what your limiter setting should be. it is not perfect but give you a good idea.

that finished i had to shoot downtown to the world headquarters for Lewis & Dizon Design to pick up a light that i am converting to a low voltage fixture.  i will put some of the pic's up when i do that on sunday.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Whats The Point of HDMI

So i go back to Southern

to take a second look at what i am dealing with and after poking around i notice that whoever did the original install used HDMI cables. Here are the reasons no one should use HDMI cable's for video routing till all the hardware manufacturers  get on the same page with HDCP Compliance.
1. hardware for HDMI is way to expensive
2. HDMI doesn't look any beter than component video
3. there are no fire rated HDMI cables so you can not install them leagally in a wall or celling.      unless you do you own terminations. store bought cables are not legal.
4. HDCP compliance between manufacturers sucks. it is not worth the headaches.

    Coax is the most cost effective solution, if anyone tells you differently they have not done enough installs to know what they are talking about.

    so now i have to come up with a soultion an to top it off the installer used 2 driverack pa's and ran two of the outputs into the inputs of the other. why the hell would you use a DRPA in a sports bar. for the same price you could have installed a biamp nexia SP and had twice the amount of in's and out's. the proper solution would have been two nexia pm's. you would have ton of in's for the cable box's/video matrix switcher and be good to go. 
   The question now becomes do i install a HDMI matrix switcher (expensive) or repull all the cable and install a component switcher(expensive but not as expensive). that headache over i had to shoot down to the boys at HK (39&9th)

To talk some business. seems like the mini Danley system we installed there is working like a champ. So i head down to sidebar to pick up the last of the tools there. 4:30 and i get to leave the city. Rock On.
What the hell is this.

i hate traffic almost as much as i hate fixing someone else's screw ups. so end another day of running round the city.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday's Suck

     I hate mondays. they just mean i have to fix anyproblems that people had over the weekend. First up was SideBar. Before i left on sunday i was trying to get the hum from a cable box to go the way of the dodo bird. When i was trouble shooting i forgot to reassign one of the inputs on the matrix mixer.

Moral of the story is do not try to trouble shoot a problem at 5am after drinking. still don't know what caused the hum but its gone now.

I also hate mondays because the mean meetings.Todays was Southern Hospitality up on 76th and 2nd. Nice place but poorly designed from a A/V point of view. The LCD's are poorly located and who ever installed them set the TV's to 4:8 in widescreen mode. talk about the tv adding ten pounds.  it isn't a big intstall. only 3 or 4 32"s but they want a matrix switcher and all the cable boxes aren't centraly located so we have to pull a bunch of coax.
Most are here.

Then there are 2 back here.

I love fixing the poor designs of people.
here are some more pic of the place.

So tomorrow i have to look at another place in the 30's and hopefully i can get the guys started on the job at aspen 2 on 47th.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Madness at SideBar

    So i get up saturday at 1 to discover that my cell phone service has been susspended. i can never remeber to pay the bill. i have to get an assistant soon. so pay the bill and call everybody to recap the night. much to my surprise everybody seems to think i am comming in to the city tonight even though i said i was going to the lake.
    I throw my lappy in the bag and head off for a night of debauchery. i end up sitting at the holland tunnel for like an hour. i finally get to SideBar and get the laptop setup so i will be ready to dj later.
DJ NTS shows up with his bro so we sit down and have some dinner.
    11 rolls around and i jump on and throw down some oldschool hiphop for about an hour. DJ NTS get on and starts bringing it up a bit.

DJ Peck rolls in about a hour later and jumps on. 

 Meanwhile the place is fucking packed this is the most people we have had here yet.

    its hard to believe i finished the install just 5 weeks ago. they really need to hang curtains in the front room so it will cut down the on all the hard surfaces in the room. the back sounds so much better with the curtains in.

mad man zach get in to the shot.

then yells at me to look outside

This line wraps around the building. its getting freaking nuts.

Calling zak to the booth we need drinks

the boys are feeling better now

i go check out the scene in the kitchen and try and grab some eats but thats not what happened.

"i need fives" is all zak is yelling so me and Chef Jason Dive in.

the shit is really going off now.

The boys having fun.

     i need to get everybody to keep the booth clean there are too many things that might spill.
I also need to adjust the EQ in the private dinning room

     i decided to go see who is over in the vintage side of the venue and look who i run into the hottie olivia.

some of the other boys jump into the pic

so who's she going home with guys?

all in all it was fun night the crowd was a little weird.
(edit) as it turns out this is NTS's cousin and where not going to have any of that stuff around here.